About me

Ti presento {Alice Ti}

Le mie creazioni raccontano il carattere e le mille sfaccettature di una donna: restano incomplete, finché, indossate, interpretano la personalità di chi le sceglie.

A little creative, a little artisan, a little artist

I have the vein of the creative who experiences something new every day, the dedication of the craftswoman who loves details and the inspiration of the artist who creates in the wake of the emotions of the moment.

I strongly believe:

  • In second chances;
  • In the ability to reinvent itself;
  • On occasions that hide among moments of bewilderment.

{ Alice Ti } is:

  • A brand with a thousand colors, to represent the freedom to choose and start over;⠀⠀
  • With two parentheses: a departure and an arrival, in the middle of which we can write about everything;
  • Designed for you, who communicate enchantment with gestures and details.


Why Alice "You"?

My dad was an architect.

I have a memory in my head: him who signed his drawings with his fountain pen, a large “P” followed by a “Ti”.

These letters indicated the initial of his name Paolo and the end of his surname Casirati.

I remember his harmonious gesture, aesthetically perfect, delicate, beautiful.

He was PTi, and today I am Alice

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